A Much Needed Update

I started this blog nearly four years ago, as I was a new freshman at BYU and getting ready to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Seeing as the point of this blog is to document and share all the ways I am learning and growing and changing for the better, some very important experiences are missing from my timeline: Since writing the previous posts, I have served a mission in Illinois, among the Spanish-speaking communities of the area. Today marks my two-year anniversary of returning home from that incredible experience.

My last day serving as a missionary, standing in front of “The Bean” in downtown Chicago.

While I was on my mission, I was lucky enough to meet an incredible man who would become my fiancee shortly after returning home from Illinois. Jordan and I were married in December of 2016, and we couldn’t be happier! IMG_0700 (1)

These two events have obviously had a huge impact on my life, and have changed me for the better in more ways than I could possibly put into words. On my mission, I met people who were in the poorest and saddest of circumstances and yet who loved the Lord with all their hearts and who served with everything they had. I served alongside 12 amazing women who were my companions on the streets and from whom I have learned to work hard, love fully, and share with people my best self. I fasted and prayed to come to know God better, and for my heart to become more like His, and I felt myself become more refined and more holy every day.

When my mission was over, I did my best to take home with me the life lessons and the miraculous experiences I had had. I’m still trying to live and love and serve in my everyday life the way I did then. It’s difficult, but I’m getting better and better at it. And as I got to know Jordan, my wonderful husband, meeting that goal became easier and easier, because he helps me to be better every day through his loving example. We go on grand adventures together, we play games together, we laugh together, and I am happy. For now, our family of two is just the right number of people, but soon this blog will document my change into a mother and caretaker lots of little Morgan children. The adventures will never end!

So, that’s where I am right now. A married, returned-missionary and a senior at BYU, with nothing left but my Student Teaching semester before graduating and starting a post-college life. The posts from here on out will probably sound a little bit different, as my focus for growing has shifted to teaching and preparing to raise a family. Hopefully they can still be of insight and use to you, my dear readers, and can help you to see and recognize your own miracles of change.

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